I’m a wrapper!!! I’ve
wanted to say that for so long and now I can.

I don’t know when it happened exactly. But one day I was wrapping and it just worked. It felt right. After all those months of practice, tears and sweat, it just clicked and I wrapped my almost one year old with ease. Then it happened again! And before I knew it I started choosing wraps over buckle carriers. It was even super comfy. I was a wrapper!!! It may have taken almost twelve months but it happened!

Now, I am not writing this to, flaunt my “wrapping skills” or anything like that. I’m writing to encourage every person out there who wants so badly to wrap but feels that they just can’t. Who wants to so badly to do a back carry but just can’t make a seat or tighten those rails. Who thinks that if he/she can’t master wrapping in a couple months they must be a failure. You are not a failure. You are learning a new skill and it takes time.
Here are a few tips I
have gathered over the year that can really help the wrapping journey.
Find a babywearing group. If you don’t have one
in your area, at least join one on Facebook. They are an endless fountain of support
and knowledge. I am eternally grateful for my group Babywearing Around Tulsa. I
could not have made it this far without the lovely women I met in that group.
Don’t give up after a couple tries. Be
patient. It may take some people longer
than others but with time you can do it. Don’t hold yourself to a time table.
If possible try a few different wraps. Different blends, weaves and thickness can
make all the difference in a wrap job.
Now I understand I’m not made of money either. That’s why I became a compulsive
churner. I have rarely owned more than
one wrap at a time. With being able to trade or sell what I currently had I
have been able to try a bunch.
Don’t make the mistake I did and try back
carries before you have mastered front carries. There are things you learn when
front carrying that are essential to back carrying. Believe me. You will save
yourself a lot of trouble.
Lastly, don’t lose sight of what babywearing is
about. Don’t let the desire of obtaining
a skill make you lose out on the bonding experience between you and your
baby. If you are getting frustrated,
take a break. Carry your baby how you know best. Kiss their head and breathe
them in. After a few days or weeks try
Blessings and happy

Megan Kloker is a
God-loving, babywearing, cloth diapering, health nut who loves being a
stay-at-home mom to her three children (Aiden, Nyah and Lena) and wife to her
husband (Grant). She, grew up in Leona Valley California with her 10 younger
siblings before she got married and moved to Springfield Illinois. Megan and
family have since lived in Tulsa Oklahoma and have rencently moved to Fort
Worth Texas. Megan loves being around people, drinking coffee and playing Dance
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