It’s almost that time of year again - the air is getting cooler, pumpkins are starting to appear, brightly colored leaves flutter from trees… BABYWEARING WEEK IS COMING! This year, International Babywearing Week is October 5-11 and the theme is “Share the Adventure.” The purpose of “IBW” is to celebrate, promote, and advocate the benefits of safe babywearing. It is a time to join together as a community to embrace and support one another while having fun and winning some awesome prizes! The Instructors of Babywearing Around Tulsa have put together an awesome schedule of events, both in the community and online, that are sure to fit into everyone’s schedule and brighten your day!

This year we are again doing the infamous “Scavenger Hunt.” A highlight from last year, and beyond fun, this year’s “hunt” promises to bring back old favorites and fun new challenges. Watch for posts from Ashley for more details on how you can get in on the action!
I will also be doing a week long “Carry Challenge.” As IBW is a time to embrace our community and encourage others to join, we will have a variety of carrys AND carriers in this challenge, so everyone will have the chance to participate. Don’t have a wrap/RS/SSC? Meet up at one of the in person events to snap your challenge pic! There is a fun online “mystery prize” for those who meet the challenge!
“Ask an Instructor” is a new addition to our weekly activities where each Instructor will have a day to answer questions on the facebook page. These can be wearing questions, behind-the-scenes questions, or getting to know them a little better. Done in “AMA” format, this promises to be a fun interactive event!
We will also have a “Daily Picture Thread” with a themed photo for each day of the week!
There will also be a week-long “dip” for a handwoven doll wrap donated by a sweet member to raise money for our Lending Library! Wouldn’t your baby look adorable wearing THEIR baby in this? Is it possible to be jealous of a toddler’s wrap? :)

- Sunday October 5
- Online -
- Start of Carry Challenge and Scavenger Hunt
- “Starting Out Sunday” picture thread - Show us your FIRST babywearing picture
- In Person -
- Babywearing FLASH MOB at Guthrie Green! Music starts at 2:30, come and go starting at 1:00. Grab your favorite carrier and join us for what hopes to be the biggest group of babywearers Tulsa has ever seen in one place!
- Monday October 6th
- Online -
- Ask an Instructor - Somer
- “Matching Monday” photo thread done in the fun “Uno” style format
- In Person -
- Babywearing 101 Ballet Class informational lecture at Tulsa Ballet Studio K (45th and Peoria) 4:30. This class is free and open to the public and will discuss the benefits of safe exercise while babywearing (specifically Ballet) while showing a few preferred carrys. Those interested will have the opportunity to enroll in the class following the lecture.
- Family Picnic at Zink park at 5:45 - head on over from the lecture, or just come on out! Bring your blankets and join us for a family style picnic and enjoy Tulsa’s beautiful fall weather.
- Tuesday October 7th
- Online
- Ask an Instructor - Tiffany
- Travelling Tuesday photo thread - Show us your pictures while traveling or just on-the-go babywearing
- In Person
- Riverside Walk
- Morning walk meet at 10:00 AM at the 41st Street Park
- Afternoon walk meet at 3:30 at the 96th Street Park
- Broken Arrow Play date at Central Park off Main, 6:00 PM.
- Wednesday October 8th
- Online
- Ask an Instructor - C.J.
- Wacky Wednesday photo thread - Let’s see those silly babywearing moments!
- In Person
- Babywearing Mini Photo Sessions at Woodward Park, 9:30AM. A variety of local photographers have agreed to provide participants with 2 edited photos for a $5-10 donation to the lending library!
- Soft Structured Carriers Class - This class with cover the fundamentals of Soft Structured full buckle carriers as well as front, hip, and back carries. A variety of brands and sizes will be available to help you find the perfect fit. $15 for the class and sign up is required (join under “events” tab in facebook)

- Thursday October 9th
- Online
- Ask an Instructor - Ashley
- Throwback Thursday photo thread - Show us your favorite babywearing picture from the past.
- The Babywearing Draw Lending Library incentive dip ends!
- In Person
- DIY Suck pads and Woven Wrap repair class 10:00 AM (location to be determined). Bring your prettiest fabric and a sewing machine (if you have one!) and make some suck pads for your SSC (snaps available for nominal fee). OR does your woven wrap have a snag or pull? Bring it out and we will teach you how to fix those pesky problems!
- Friday October 10th
- Online
- Ask an Instructor - Rachel
- Favorite Friday photo thread - What is your all time favorite babywearing picture?
- In Person
- Zoo playdate! Meet at the globe between 10-10:30 and go at your own pace. We are NOT encouraging anyone to go as an entire group (it’s too overwhelming) but smaller groups after we get a couple of pictures at the globe.
- Saturday October 11
- Online
- Snoozing Saturday photo thread - let’s see those angelic sleeping worn babies!
- In Person
- Day out at the Aquarium! This is a come and go event all day. We are contacting the Aquarium about a BWAT discount and will get those details to you as soon as we have them.
We have amazing members who have graciously agreed to donate some fabulous prizes for the various events throughout the week, more details on these later, but a sampling is: A free LL Membership, Scentsy warmer and wax, a babywearing mini photo session, birth doula gift certificate, custom drool pads, Galaxy dyed mommy and me set, a gauze wrap, amber teething necklace, lemonberry cloth diaper, wool dryer balls, wrap scrap teething necklace, custom birthday tu-tu set, AND MORE!*
I can't wait for all the fun this week will bring! I hope to see each and every one of you spreading the babywearing love online or in person! If you have any questions please contact an admin.
*BWAT is ALWAYS looking for prizes for various giveaways, if you have something to donate please contact an admin (we will always advertise WAHM donations with links to etsy stores or facebook pages)
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