Ring Slings are some of the easiest and most versatile carriers there are.
They can hold a newborn squishie up on mama's chest or keep a wiggly toddler tight on mama's hip. Many people can nurse in a ring sling. Some even back carry in a ring sling. The tail can be nursing cover, sun sheild or blanket. And the best part is they come in every color of the rainbow and every pattern imaginable so you can pretty much gaurentee that you can find one that suits your personality and style. From fun and silly patterns to elegant silks, ring slings rock.
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here are just a few ages and stages enjoying some ring sling snuggles.
Snuggly 2 year old
Oscha Starry Night Nebula dyed Blue Ice
You can see that the way a ring sling is tightened strand by strand allows for completely individualized fit. Whether you are wearing a tiny new squish, a wiggly new walker or a tired toddler, a good supportive ring sling is a great option.
Hiking with a 15 month old
AnnaCarrieBaby water ring sling
20 month old gets tired of walking at the Tulsa State Fair Giving mama hugs.
Bristol Looms Peacock (handwoven) Natibaby Africa
Two month old squishie goodness! I don't want my picture taken, I just want my mama.
Oscha Braid Obsidian with lambswool Natibaby Mossy Forrest - Hemp/Cotton blend

Tiny Newborn love! (2-3 weeks old)
Hopp Timbuktu
Notice baby is close enough to kiss, neck supported and feet out.
Airway is unobstructed and face is visible.
Newborn C shaped spine is fully supported through strand by strand tightening.
Sleepy two year old at the Oklahoma Aquarium
Bristol Looms Peacock (handwoven)
(totally successful transfer out of car seat and into the ring sling without waking her, a definite victory)
Somer Johnson is a Babywearing enthusiast and Momma to E, a bundle of energy. She is a Babywearing Institue Scholar working towards her certification. She is also addicted to cloth diapers and makes and sells wool dryer balls as SomerKnits. Occasionally she also carves out some time to knit, spin or weave - her main pre-baby passions.
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