Hey Babywearing Around Tulsa! As many of you know we have been working hard to fund a trip to the International Babywearing Conference in Atlanta for our four instructors: Tiffany, Beth, Somer, and Ashley.
The conference is a great opportunity for the instructors to keep up to date with the fast-paced world of babywearing. They will be learning so many new and exciting things and bringing it all back to Tulsa to share with you!
As if that isn't cool enough, the instructors are so grateful for all of the tremendous amount of support you all have shown in helping raise money to send them to Atlanta, they have decided to do something special for you!
A contest was announced on the group page last week to ask, "what does babywearing mean to you?"
We had a lot of great entries:
Catie Marie Willard "Baby wearing has filled the gap of so many things I missed out on as I became a mother... You see, I could not carry a child in my womb. For years we tried. Miscarriage after miscarriage. It was heartbreaking for us. So we became foster parents. When we brought our first newborn home from the hospital, I was in love. She was tiny and frail from drug addiction. So I carried her. For those first few months of her life, I carried her. And it was like I was experiencing carrying her as if she came from my own body. We breathed together, rocked together... She would curl into my chest and melt into me as though it were the safest place in the world, ever safer than her rough time in the womb. She already had my heart the moment I held her at that hospital... But when I wrapped her close, I gained hers. Babywearing has become a strong bonding experience with each tiny baby that enters our home, hurt, broken, and scared. It creates a bond of safety, security, and love. I was meant to be a mother, and babywearing has allowed me to carry my babies close. In my arms, and in my heart. And for that, I am eternally grateful... ❤️"

Chrissy Yates: "Baby wearing has been extra special to me with this sweet boy. His big brother died at 18 days old from a heart defect and I didn't get to hold him much. I love getting to keep my rainbow baby close when we are out of the house, plus it frees up my hands to help with 7 year old big brother and 4 year old big sister. This little man loves to be worn!"
Larisha N Shaw: "Babywearing to me means bonding. My youngest is not "mine". I mean she is mine but I didn't birth her myself. Babywearing has allowed us to bond on a level I don't think We would have been able to otherwise. She loves to go uppie as much as I love carrying her. π"
Kasia Pope: "Baby wearing has helped me keep up with my Autistic 5yr old, and my 3 yr old with Anxiety all while still giving love to our 8m old!
It means I can take them places to have fun and lo can still get a nap without my arms feeling broken.... Unlike my poor sister who had to keep passing around her two boys because their arms were hurting. π Hopefully she will learn now how helpful carriers really are! I would love to spread baby wearing love with her!! π"
Ambrosia Ekelman: "Balance. In the midst of working full time and trying to split time between a baby, a toddler, and a big kid, without feeling guilty, I could cuddle one with ease, while interacting with the other. Wearing does so much for the soul."
Karissa Booze: "Babywearing means friends. This group has brought out a part of me that is hard to find. Stepping out of my comfort zone and becoming a volunteer has brought me many new friendships that I would never have tried to make on my own. I love knowing my son will have a group of kiddos to grow up and play with. And I have a solid village in my corner! ❤️"
Stacy Isbell: "Babywearing means survival. Flying across the country with 3 kids and being able to get to the rental car with everything :)"
Olivia Kaylee Stagner: "Babywearing means I can hold my sweet baby boy who gets so overwhelmed by crowds and strangers so close and feel his nerves go away while I love on him and still help big sister. It means he can stay close to me and he doesn't have to fear that I'm going far away from him! πππ"
Kim Gonzalez: "Babywearing for me has meant sanity. I struggled with post partum depression and spent many early mornings crying as my daughter would not sleep or nurse or let anything comfort her. Our moby wrap saved us both during those times. I could snuggle her close and she would finally be content. Which meant that I could finally calm down myself. As she's gotten older, babywearing has helped my anxiety and stress of being out in crowded places with a toddler. I get sensory overload very easy in loud crowded places and my brain struggles to keep a train of thought, so being able to have my child close to me helps me have one less worry to deal with when I have my moments of sensory overload. Plus, she hates riding in carts at the store so babywearing has helped saved my arms from falling off from having to carry her π now that I am pregnant with #2, I know that babywearing will continue to provide me with sanity as I juggle an almost 2 year and newborn come next January. I would seriously have lost all of my marbles if it wasn't for babywearing ❤"

Joely Guthrie: "Babywearing has been one of the most amazing experiences of motherhood for me. It has helped my children and myself make it through the ups and downs of everyday life. Many know I have worn for more years than some of are members are old, leaving me with many reasons why Babywearing is so important to me. Babywearing has helped me calm my anxious children and myself, from sleeplessness, colic, reflux, sickness, teething, milk production, mastitis, social anxiety to the complexity of traveling alone with 7 children fighting crowds in airports and festivals. It has helped when my boys broke bones and my son was hospitalized just hours after his sister was born and discharged. The things I can still do hands free even when tandem carrying. I can help with HW cook dinner and BF all at onceπ±. Not to forgot the simplicity of making the family grocery trips, appt and family walks a less stressful situation. However I believe the most important reason for us is I made it through severe depression and social anxiety(PTSD and PPD). It has helped me bond with my child that I had a hard time believing would not ever love me or bond with me even while EBF. This was most likely the most impact BW has given me because I don't know if I would have ever felt that bond with out wearing.
I have meet so many mommas, answered so many questions and was able to share my love for the bonding that BW provided for us. I hope that the first 20 years of BW was just the beginning and I have many more years of sharing and wearing. π"
Please go to Babywearing Around Tulsa and like your favorite entry! The entry with the most likes on Sunday July 10th will receive this awesome babywearing Smart Bottoms diaper that Tiffany picked up at WEAR in Chicago!
Thank you BWAT for everything you do. This group is filled with members who uplift each other and spread the babywearing love! We love you all!
Don't forget to go vote for your favorite entry!
Happy Babywearing!
Karissa is a babywearing boymom to four boys ranging in age from 17 years to 10 months, She loves to read and geek out to all things history!