Did you know that we are so much more than just an educational blog?
Babywearing Around Tulsa is a registered nonprofit in the state of Oklahoma. In addition to our own philanthropic endeavors, we also partner with several organizations for educational outreach. We are a completely volunteer run organization with volunteers located all over the Tulsa metro and surrounding areas. There is always someone willing to help, either in person or over the internet.
We also have a vibrant Facebook community. Our members are the absolute best. They are so kind to each other, offering support and education whenever asked. It is a large community with almost 7.000 members, but it feels a lot more like a conversation over coffee with friends. You can find it here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Tulsababywearers/
Once you’re in the group, not only will you find education and support, you can also check out our events. That is where the real fun begins. We currently have two events a month. The first is purely social, so that members who interact in the Facebook group can enjoy time with each other in person. The social events are held at different kid friendly locations every month like zoos, museums, parks, pools, etc. The second event of the month is our meeting. The meeting is for educational purposes. We help members with using their own carrier and/or finding a suitable carrier from our lending library. Our lending library has 163 carriers that can be checked out to members on a monthly basis. The library is comprised of ring slings, meh dais, woven wraps, and soft structured carriers. There really is something for everyone.

However you decide to get involved, we look forward to meeting
you soon.